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ブランドその他スポーツブランド性別Mens商品名ドンジョイパフォーマンス DONJOY PERFORMANCE パフォーマンス MENS メンズ BIONIC ELBOW II BRACE スポーツ アクセサリー アウトドア (black 黒・ブラック)カラーblack 黒・ブラックサイズ表商品説明New-and-Improved Bionic™ TechnologyThe revamped DonJoy Performance® Bionic™ Elbow Brace II gives a cutting edge update to the original Bionic Elbow. This adjustable elbow brace has dual hinges for medial/lateral ligament support. While limiting the range of motion the DonJoy Performance® Bionic™ Elbow Brace II helps to manage elbow hypertension and instability. DonJoy's impressive technology features protection from lateral forces that occur in everyday sport and activity and is constructed with neoprene for breathability when in motion. Quick adjustable straps help to limit extension and provide a secure fit whether athletes are on or off the field.Perfected for Performance•Perforated neoprene adds increased breathability.•Elbow crease cutout is implemented for a functional and comfortable fit.•Adjustable X-straps are designed to prevent hypertension.•A removable hinge is added for easy cleaning.•The adjustable bicep cuff with stretch webbing circumference ensures a secure fit.•A sleeve design made for easy application and athletic fit.•Hex Silicone banding helps to reduce slippage.商品名 ドンジョイパフォーマンス donjoy performance bionic elbow ii brace パフォーマンス メンズ black 黒・ブラック

ショップ スニーカーケース 楽天市場店
税込価格 14,980円